With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.
All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.
Delightful creature!
Happy WW. Enjoy spring Carletta.
Wonderful picture and perfect title for your post. As usual,great work!!! Mickie :)
Cute duck swimming! Mine is up - My Water Wed
Oh yes, what a lovely duck swimming!
Very enjoyable picture, Carletta!
He looks content. Nice capture...
:little orange feet:....made me smile BIG!!
My Wednesday blog is:
Black Night Heron
Your company is always a special treat.
Pretty shot..Happy WW!
This is a great shot. We don't often get to see the feet of a duck when it's swimming.
Sweet orange!
Hi Carletta,
What an awesome shot! Now, about the flooding ... has everything settled down? We didn't even hear about it on the news. Sorry you guys had to go through it.
Take care,
So sweet - I love his orange feet!
Love the curl in his tail too! He's very photogenic!
How delightful! And you actually have water that isn't iced over! Bliss.
Little orange feet and a beautiful big green head.
used to rear this, I mean helping my parents. We call them water ducks.
Sweet capture! I love you got close enough to see his feet in action.
WOW I love that the little feet are sticking out. Gorgeous colours.
Oh how I love this shot!! Beautiful creatures aren't they?!!
and a pretty green head, nice shot.
What a pretty Mallard.
Love how bright the colors are on him.
Amazing capture! The bright colors and the cute little orange feet, love it!
great curly little tail feathers
Love that mallard's beautiful green head - awesome shot Carletta
Male mallards are sooo photogenic! :)
Beaut shot!
Cetainly one of Mother Nature's masterpieces!
He looks like he is enjoying his swim.
Your getting snow? We have had pouring rain all day. Spring can come any time now, I'm ready.
I don't know about his orange feet, but I love the gorgeous green of the neck.
Melbourne Daily Photo
Beautiful duck -- lovely shot with his feet paddling away. You have certainly found some interesting new memes lately!
This is beautiful! Happy spring. :)
Thank you for participating in Fabulous Friday!
For some reason that water looks cold, but the waterbird is lovely. Great details on it...
Nice. There was a duck that made it's nest in one of our front flower beds (we are a long way from any water). It was there Saturday night but we got up yesterday and she had deserted the next. It had 14 eggs in it.
This is such a sharp, in focus it.
Hi Carletta. I also enjoyed a browse through your photoblog. FABulous photos. Cheers FAB.
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