With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Ruby Red Crabapple

For more Ruby Tuesday click here.


Raven said...

Nice Ruby shot. And I'm first to comment! Wow!

LadyFi said...

Great shot - it looks like a delicious cherry!

Anonymous said...

Excellent my friend. I love how it's all by itself :)

judi/Gmj said...

Why, you creative, cute,and crafty blogger, you!
Also you have great contortional skills, holding a mirror up in a tree and snapping a shot of a little bitty crab apple!
seriously, it is great work. You will have to let me know what photo edit program you are using,
This blog is turning into a photo gallery of stunning shots.

MedaM said...

This is really very pretty!

Nukke said...

Very nice red pic !!!!

Ralph said...

The red crab apple sits forlorn, waiting to be the treat for a hooved animal. A slight ruby in the tree, adding a bit more to the green surrounding it...

Dimple said...


eileeninmd said...

Great shot of the RED crabapple.

Anonymous said...

Great angle and colors.

Auntie E said...

It looks lonely.. Nice red though

marian said...

OH that's PERFECT!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Love this. Haven't seen a crabapple in a few years. I remember nibbling on them when I was a kid. Fun memory.

DrillerAA said...

Very nicely composed. Really well done capture.

Jim said...

"The Last Apple of the Season."
I like to eat crab apples, they don't have to be too ripe. Sour is fine with me.

This is such a pretty picture, I scrolled down all the way to your SkyWatch Lane shot and stopped. You take good pictures.

Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

Nice red crab apple. I really like how you framed this photo!

Patti said...

Lovely photo, Carletta. You did a great job with the framing, and with making the background blurred.

Thanks for visiting me at the pizzeria. ;-)

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Nice photo. I love the frame, too.

Have a great week, Carletta!

Jan said...

Wonderful. I like your editing, too.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

You've captured and shared this little red apple beautifully ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

eastcoastlife said...

hmmmmm ..... I'm wondering why it's called crab apple.

I come from a tropical country and we can't grow apple trees. All our apples are imported.

Leora said...

The frame is quite nice... I want to reach out and grab the fruit.

kayerj said...

how lovely, reminds me that it's been forever since I had crab apple jelly

Anonymous said...

Perfect RT photo.


Meikah said...

Solitary yet vibrant!

My RT entry is here.

Carly said...

beautiful entry. I really like the frame too!

MaR said...

Beautiful!! even though I love green (Granny Smith) apples ;)
Happy RT, mine is here!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Looks so sweet!

Please take a peek on my first Ruby Tuesday entry. Seeyah!

Carolyn Ford said...

This is too cool! The apple is so beautifully focused and the blur looks great! I really like this photo!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Very Unique!
Love it!

Ivon said...

Your apple looks lonely, being on the branch by itself. I like the perspective you have chosen. Thanks for sharing.

Loree said...

What an amazing shot. I love how the background is all blurred and the apple just stands out.

Robin said...

Nicely shot, and I like the framing too.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful shot! I must go looking for crabapple and see what color my crabapple is now!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Beautiful capture of the little ruby apple.

Gattina said...

A beautiful picture of a lonely apple !

Marice said...

great photo u got here :)

u may view mine if u have time

Ali said...

I just love crabapple trees! Great shot of a ruby red fruit =)

Vicki ~ FL said...

Very creative ..... you have a sharp eye to have noticed this lone crabapple for your post!

Stephanie V said...

This one looks a little lonely. Nice shot. Crabapple is such a tasty-looking fruit.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a red crabapple only the green. This is very pretty I wonder what the taste is like?

Heidi said...

Very pretty! I love the soft sky behind! And how funny that our posts were so similar!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Judy said...

that sums up fall, doesn't it? lovely shot!!

JunieRose2005 said...

Another cool one!! :)

I did a RT post too!


Jientje said...

That's a perfect composition Carletta, IU lover the shiny red apple against that beautiful blue sky!

( Indeed, I forgot to sign Mr Linky again, I always play but often forget to sign in!!)

Stephany said...


Tom said...

This picture is as temping as an apple was to Adam & Eve. A beautiful picture Carleeta... shown off perfectly.. :O)

Mimi said...

Carletta, thanks for your comment over at mine.
At the Ball, it really was "anything goes"- Willow is such a good hostess. So for next year (and I have fingers crossed as I say that) you can indeed wear sneakers!

George said...

Thanks for a beautiful RT photo.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very fine shot, Carletta, well focused on the crabapple with a pleasant blurred background. :-)

Jim said...

Great shots; great theme.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

dot said...

That sure is a pretty shot of the crabapple. We have some here but I've never seen them look that good.

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All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.