With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Pontoon Pleasures

For more Weekend Reflections click here.


quilly said...

Wow! Every time I think you can't possibly surpass yourself you do.

Mimi said...

I echo what Quilly just said.
This shot makes me wish that I could paint.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture with the reflection in the water.

Jan said...


Dimple said...

Beautiful, Carletta. Have a wonderful weekend!

Misty DawnS said...

Oh WOW! Carletta, this is absolutely gorgeous! I really, really like this!

JunieRose2005 said...

Beautiful reflections!

I'll have to pass on this one, this time! (lol- can't keep up!!)


James said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love this shot. MckLinky is working now.

XoXo said...

Hi Carletta, you do have great photos here too. Am just an amateur in photography, a lot of bloggers had inspired me to do well and you're one of them coz you have superb photos. True.

Crafty Green Poet said...

gorgeous, the reflected tree trunks are lovely

Sistertex said...

Very nice, rustic feel. Here in Minnesota pontoon days are about over until spring arrives again.

Icy BC said...

Beautiful reflections! I think this is one of the loveliest time to be in ..

Carol said...

Beautiful shot and such a peaceful setting...

Cezar and Léia said...

wow my dear friend, it's poetry for me!Outstanding reflection, really beautiful!
Happy Weekend reflections!
Léia :)
Bonjour Luxembourg

Carolyn Ford said...

That is amazing! Wow!

Malyss said...

Really , it looks like painting!The colors are sweet , beautyful shot!

Anonymous said...

You really nailed the spirit of the place. Very nicely done.

Regina said...

Awesome! Beautiful shot Carletta.

"Weekend Reflections Post"

My name is Riet said...

Wonderful picture. Great shot

Pietro Brosio said...

Great photo, Carletta! I find so pleasant that path around the lake.

Tom said...

Hi Carletta
This is a sight for soar eyes I would love to walk that area and see your Autumn views.
Mines Here Carletta

Julie said...

This is very much like a pastel watercolour painting. The composition is so good, with the edge of the pond on this side, keeping the reflections in, so to speak. Quite quite lovely.


Pearl Maple said...

Reflections on the water are creating a pretty picture postcard view. Thanks for sharing it is looking like a beautiful day at your place.

cieldequimper said...

This is like a watercolour. It's gorgeous.

George said...

This is absolutely beautiful. It looks like a painting and deserves a frame.

Thérèse said...

So peaceful. Hope it stayed like that for the whole time you were there...

Ebie said...

Very scenic and peaceful, and the photo looks like a painting! You are so close to nature!

Becky said...

I'd love to take that boat out for a day of fishing Carletta. Love the reflections. The water looks so peaceful.

Martha said...

Lovely fall reflections!

Weekend Reflections

Judy said...

I love the reflections!!!

Anonymous said...

I love these Autumn reflections, Carletta! Thank you for sharing them! :)

Anonymous said...

This is very lovely and restful.

i beati said...

both the above shots so peaceful My sister gets an award in morgantown next week's

Bim said...

A lovely shot - and the boat also looks fun.

Kat said...

This is a fantastic shot! What a beautiful place. Kathy

Tammie Lee said...

the softness of colors in your reflection are lovely, like a painting.

Amanda Moore said...

Wow I love to see all the trees in the reflection and the color just sparkles in the water!

Patti said...

gorgeous autumn reflections, Carletta!

Leedra said...

Love the reflections watercolor effect.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.