With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
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All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.
Are these domestic and wild ducks swimming together? Cool shot!
Hi Carletta, what a lovely scene, great photo and I do love your ducks. Hope you had a lovely Easter and have a great week.
And silly me, I actually counted them. :-D I'm always taking photos of ducks and rarely post any of them. I wonder why.
Ducks are so qute! I seldom see the white ones (I don't have a clue on their different names) - but those with all the great colors are quite common where I live.
Nice shot!
Seven, a harmonious lot and very charming.
'...up tails all.'
The one that's behind looks to be trying to catch up. Faster, faster, cute orange feet!
Oh how lovely; its nice to them all getting along.
Adorable shot! Have a great day, Carletta :)
Wonderful photos of the ducks. They look so relaxed.
Lovely ducks and they are so cute. Love it.
birds of different feathers come together, that's great!
Look at them - I love the green on their heads & the white ones are soooo white!!!
Are these for real? They look divine, like a children's book's ducks!
Oh How cute. Listening to this music I imagine the ducks doing a water ballet...
So do you have 6 geese a laying for Wordless Wednesday? So cute!
the colored ducks on the side are the guardian angels! Cute duckies!
Ah, very nice.
Love your title for this photo -- and so of course I had to double-check the count. Looks like those mallards are providing an escort for the white duckies. "Wingmen'" as it were. ;-)
According to the scientist who lives in my house, a duck is a duck is a duck is a duck. They have no prejudices about the colors of their feathers.
Lovely, peaceful scene!
they're cute, especially the colored ducks.:D
Oh I love duckie photos and this one is fantastic! So clear and crisp.
I almost want to put them in my bath, LOL
Carletta: Neat reflective shot, nice mixture of wild and tame.
Lovely clear shot of the ducks and restful music. Someone forgot to colour in all the ducks.
It is odd to see the mallards with the domestic ducks! Beautiful shot, though!
They remind me of a fleet of ships coming in!
i'm always fascinated with the ducks, they are so lovely.
I do not know what it is about ducks but they always make me smile... the white one here are very nice.......
om :O)
I always marvel over the sociality of water fowl. All kinds of species swimming together in full harmony without problem. This is an excellent example of just that. The mallards look so colourful in contrast to those shiny white ducks.
So sweet! The one little white duck looks rather perplexed by its darker neighbor!
I just love your photos.... I love ducks! Love the textures and reflections in this too.
These are so cute! wonderful photo!
What a great capture of the ducks! I love it.
Fun duck photos ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Oh they are so cute, Carletta. I wonder if they can feel the difference in them -- some are dainty white and the others are lovely in their multiple colors. Wish i will know which one is a male and which are the females. :)
Nice one for WW!
Awesome shot!
nice capture. seven-ducks-a-swimming! love it!
That reminds me of the white duck we used to have in our garden years ago. Beautiful.
I love the white ducks - they're so cute.
Ducks are great! Love the picture.
So why can't people get along the same way?
Fantastic shot Carletta.
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