With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


For more Watery Wednesday click here.


ViennaDaily said...

I love your title! of course the photo is better than the title :D Cute and stunning reflection too!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I too love the title, great photo as well, it made me smile......
Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

Lovely yellow beaks and I love the whiteness that reflects on the water. This scene just calms me.

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, or butt kisser :D Just kidding. Love the image.


Your title is priceless! And nice shot too! :)

kayleen said...

Wouldn't you love to know what they are thinking? Great capture and title for it!

Nebraska Birding

EG CameraGirl said...

Following the leader, eh? I love it that they do that. Nice photo!

Unknown said...

I will never get over how much I love the orange of their beaks. So striking against the pure white. Beautiful shot.

Kim said...

So cute!! Great shot!

George said...

I don't know which I like more -- the title or the picture.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh..the title made me laugh. Ducks do seem to follow after one another like the leader has a plan...

The Right Blue said...

Great picture of the duckies, and I LOVE your title.

Pietro Brosio said...

Beautiful image, Carletta!
But where are they going?...

lilly said...


Mojo said...

Could be worse, could be a tail-GATOR!

Great catch as always.

Unknown said...

Cute, I love to watch ducks.

Maggie May said...

Very serene ducks and the music was also dreamy!
Lovely post!

Glad you like *my song*!

Jientje said...

That's a great shot Carletta, and I love the reflection in the water!

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous a shot! They're so white & perfect!

Lilli & Nevada said...

LOL i love the header line. great photo

Anonymous said...

Ok ... you are making this an amazing blog always surprising with great photos and fantastic titles!

DeniseinVA said...

Great photo, love those ripples on the water, your ducks are gorgeous and very cute.

Becky said...

Don't ya just LOVE ducks ! They are always enertaining. Love the caption.

2sweetnsaxy said...

LOL! He is tailgating. :-) Great shot. I can't get over how white geese are. Isn't it amazing.

Nukke said...

Very beautiful pic ! Nice reflection.
Thanks for youe comment :)

Karen ~Georgia Angel said...

Love the shadows in the ripples, and those ducks are too cute!

Leedra said...

Perfect title.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Sam said...

Lovely photo with a great title! I love their black eyes for some reason!

Thanks for dropping by my place

Island Style said...

Lovely..just like a fairy tale. Can't resist them-

Janice Thomson said...

Delightful capture. The title is awesome :)

Manz said...

Great title... get the hell off my tail - that's an accident waiting to happen ;)

Beautiful photo.

Jim said...

Hi Carletta, you are a busy with all these comments on these last posts.
I stopped in for a breath of WV scenery but the ducks have it.
BTW, I'm not doing sky or red things this week. I'm over my head in things to do. I even took my main blog off the profile page although it's still around and available from the other blogs' links.

Judy said...

I love the way the ripples fracture the reflections...

storyteller said...

LOL ... love your sense of humor in giving this title for this lovely reflective shot ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.