With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Peacefully Drifting

For more Sky Watch participants click here.


Carletta said...


Jan said...

What a fabulous front porch view. Woo-hoo, indeed.

Anonymous said...

This is your yard?! You live in a park! Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the promise of better days ahead! Picture perfect!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful scene by your porch! I'd be having coffee while looking at it!

Dewdrop said...

lol. We posted the same type of sky!!! Love the lines in yours though! Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

beautiful view

My entry for SWF this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

bobbie said...

It just looks perfect, and so peaceful.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a perfect day, except maybe not quite warm enough to like on your back on the grass!

JunieRose2005 said...


This is just perfect! You live in a beautiful spot!


EG CameraGirl said...

Love that green grass. Oh, I'm supposed to be looking at the gorgeous sky? Nice photo, Carletta, and I really am drooling over the grass. Ours is still yucky brown.

Guy D said...

What a beautiful scene, great photo!!!

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

Amazind clouds!
Beautiful picture !

Diane AZ said...

Wow, what a view from your front door. Great sky picture with fluffy clouds!

Photo Cache said...

Oh I love this photo. It's something that I could see in hanging in a doctor's office to give a little inspiration to the patients who are feeling a little down.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a neat sky, won't be long and we will have leaves on those trees.

Anonymous said...

Perfect title for this beautiful scene. Great landscape and sky shot.

Quiet Paths said...

What a serene view from your porch; a good place to watch spring arrive. Gorgeous! Is that green grass?? *smile*

kden said...

This reminds me of the type of sky that you lie on the grass and look up. I still do that on occasion, it just takes me longer to get up ;-) Beautiful shot.

B SQUARED said...

Looks like Spring will be beautiful. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

You live in a beautiful place to go outside and see this it's wonderful.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a gorgeous shot! and what a site to have from your front porch! Thanks! Happy SWF!

Raven said...

Glorious... and now I'm envious again. You bring out my envy. What a lovely view. We are not that green here yet but the snow is gone and I'm told flowers are starting to come up. Lovely photo.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that's a busy sky though, with all those clouds......

Gill in Canada

Tarolino said...

I so envy you your wonderful surroundings. A totally idyllic country scene and the sky with those fluffy clouds is so pretty too. Lovely shot.

Rune Eide said...

And with a nice, quiet road leading you into the picture.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on that one..woo hooo

Jane Hards Photography said...

The title could not be more suited to this delightful image.

Arija said...

You have such a lovely view Carletta! I couldquite happily sit on your posrch and just watch spring emerging.

Lene said...

O, yes - that look peacefully for sure :) And beautiful sky. Thakyou for sharing a lovley day :)

Anonymous said...


Rose said...

It does have spring written all over it...I didn't do Sky least not yet. May not at all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're so lucky to have this view on your front porch. I'm jealous, hahahaha...I love those trees against the almost clear sky. just peaceful.

Unknown said...

Great composed photograph, Carletta.

That's right. I had this lighthouse on the second last monochrom posting.

George Townboy said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your blessings.

PJ said...

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-zzz...huh, wha'?
Happy SWF!

Becky said...

I love this ! It IS beginning to look Spring like isn't it. Cold tonight here and light snow flurries. Boo Hoo !

RA said...

You have this view in front of your home! I envy you right now... So beautiful. I would love to take a stroll.

Small City Scenes said...

YAY Spring!!! Is that a Forsythia on the right ready to bloom? MB

Pietro Brosio said...

A peaceful, serene scenery with a really wonderful sky. I like it!

vincibene said...

Beautiful picture, lovely landscape!

Unknown said...

Your photos are alway so nice to look at!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful spring day. Nice photo!

Mary said...

I'm ready for big fluffy clouds like that! What a lovely scene!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful, Carletta. I love the lazy day winter scene, filled with mood and serenity.

Linda said...

Gorgeous, you live in a beautiful place full of nature to enjoy. How blessed you must feel. That picture will be even more beautiful as new life begins to bloom in the spring.

Lilli & Nevada said...

You know i can see myself laying in that beautiful grass and looking up at those fluffy clouds and dreaming, nice capture
Thanks for the stop over

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky and just such a relaxing view altogether!

Love the background music on your blog - suits the photos perfectly!

Caprice- said...

What a very lovely and peaceful shot! You are a great photographer I so enjoy your shots!
Happy First Day of Spring!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous shot...tranquil and perfect:)
my grass is not green yet like that:)
have a wonderful weekend.

Leedra said...

Beautiful setting. Great SWF post.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Ivon said...

Great SWF photo. When I was young, I spent many hours lying on my back and looking for shapes in the clouds. Did you see the face in the center cloud. Thanks for sharing.

Neal said...

I love that's so inviting and peaceful.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Your title is perfect for this shot. I love the music you've got in the background, too. I'm feeling very peaceful. Welcome spring!

Bryan said...

The view from your front porch looks like that!? Jealousy!

Colin Campbell said...

Love this picture.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful countryside and a gorgeous sky!
Hugs and blessings,

DeniseinVA said...

What an amazing view from your front porch. This is incredibly pretty and that sky is gorgeous.

Kerri Farley said...

Outstanding! What a great view you have!!

Willard said...

A beautiful sky watch and scenic photo!

Misty DawnS said...

*sigh* This is SO peaceful and beautiful!

sunnymama said...

What a beautiful view!

Janice Thomson said...

Wow! Carletta what a beautiful tranquil scene! How I envy you.

George said...

What a beautiful picture of the cloudy sky. It looks like a perfect day in the country.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.