With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Are You Turning Your Back On Me?

For more Watery Wednesday click here.


Anonymous said...

I like this shot. It does look like on had turned its back on the other. :-)

And I LOVE that pretty yellow daffodil below. Beautiful shot!

Margaret's Ramblings said...

Just looked for your Watery Wednesday pic Carletta but the photo isn't coming up. Scrolling down your blog there seem to be quite a few not showing. Will pop back tomorrow. It may just be a glich in the system.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they have little troubles were make their home. ;-)

Bim said...

Hope they haven't turned their backs on each other with spring just about to start -

DeniseinVA said...

They look like they are each going to their corner. Great shot Carletta. And you have some beautiful music on here too, so relaxing to come here.

Anonymous said...

A little fowling feud or a feuding fowl, cool shot. I love the reflections of the dry grass/reed.

Guy D said...

Haha fantastic photo of the geese, I really like this shot.

Regina In Pictures

kayleen said...

Giggle. They really do look like they've turned their backs on each other. Great capture.

Tarolino said...

Cute picture. Do you think they were having an argument :D
Quite nicely blue for a river.

Gill - That British Woman said...

another photo of those "honking" Canada Geese, they've been quiet around our place recently!!

Great shot.

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

A lovely peaceful scene

Rose said...

I keep seeing them all in pairs around here...wonder how long it will be till there are goslings?

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

I like the contrast between the dead marsh plants and the swimming birds! I also like how calm the water is to the right and reflects nicely!

Anonymous said...

Two lovers in dispute? Love the shot. Nice job.

Kim said...

So cute how they are turning away from each other!

Laurieluc said...

very cute shot

Anonymous said...

Awww, they're suppose to swim wing in wing! The mate for life, don't they?!

sunnymama said...

Great picture, and I love your title too!

George said...

I love the titles you give to your photos. Of course, the fact that the pictures are so good helps too.

Becky said...

I wonder if they are arguing. LOL
I posted geese for Watery Wednesday.

Janice Thomson said...

Love the reflections in the water. Delightful shot Carletta.

RA said...

No, I just wanna go far away! I always enjoy your photos and comments, Carletta. So amusing :).

Anonymous said...

You've captured these two coming and going! :-D

Bryan said...

Lover's Spat?

Anonymous said...

Who? Me? Never!
Great shot.

Judy said...

You're right! My photo is similar to yours, but different, too!
I like the way the reeds reflect in the still water, yet there are ripples around the geese themselves!

Anonymous said...

Are they on LQ? hehehe...looks like they are on it. But anyhow, cool cool water shot.

at the cottage said...

They're back! I was like you yesterday and took a few of the geese. Spring is FINALLY here. It will be green and lush soon.

great photo :) Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Cute title, Carletta! :)

What a lovely photo of a wintry day, and such a serene composition. Beautiful.

Linnea said...

Cute! Let's see if they'll make up!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful, happy WW!

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE the words you included with this photo. Hmmm. I wonder what he or she did?


A typical marriage these days?? LOL!

Mojo said...

I was just thinking "Lover's quarrel?" Very amusing!

Unknown said...

Fun caption!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is too funny...

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta - Thanks for visiting -I love your blog - really diverse, and also welcoming, which is not something that comes across in a lot of other blogs. I've just started blogging, so still have a lot to learn
I'm working on my rambling woods post at the moment - (I got the link from your site)
Pure Fiction

Carla said...

How did you get a picture of my husband and I? Great caption:)

Anonymous said...

Great shots serene-

Champ Townboy said...


becky aka theRAV said...

LOL I had to laugh at your title. Cute!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Love the title you've given to this photo today! It's perfect ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.