With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Friday, August 19, 2011

The Butterfly and The Coneflower

Posted for Macro Friday, Flowers on Saturday, Camera Critters, and Today's Flowers.


forgetmenot said...

Carletta, Your photos never fail to please. The coneflower has seen better days after suffering through this blazing heat, but still has something to offer the butterfly. Great post, as usual. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie ;)

forgetmenot said...

Carletta, Your photos never fail to please. The coneflower has seen better days after suffering through this blazing heat, but still has something to offer the butterfly. Great post, as usual. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie ;)

forgetmenot said...

I guess I thought once wasn't enough to tell you how nice your posts are!! I get over zealous when it comes to "clicking" sometimes. Sorry. Mickie :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely shot Carletta.

George said...

This is a marvelous capture and a gorgeous picture.

Rosie Gan said...

Your butterfly on flower shot is a reminder to me...I'm going to get one for myself soon.I hope.
Yours is brilliant, Carletta!

Gine said...

Bravo pour la prise ! Les couleurs en sont parfaites, sans parler des détails ... Très beau !

SquirrelQueen said...

He is a beauty and seems to be enjoying that coneflower. I love this shot Carletta, the rich colors and soft background are stunning.

fjällripan said...

Wonderful macroshot of the beautiful butterfly! :)

squirrel said...

Both are beautiful. YOu have a real talent.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Beautiful. Striking colours too :)

Snap said...

Lovely! It's sooooooo hot here that I very rarely see a butterfly. So nice to see yours! Happy Critter Day!

Tes said...

simply lovely

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful apture, Carletta. I love the coneflowers. They always attract some kind of critters. Have a great weekend!

Susan Cook said... Love the butterfly & flower :)

DeniseinVA said...

Love it! Such a pretty butterfly too. Hope you are having a great weekend Carletta.

Nayana said...

so beautiful...your photographs are always stunning...lovely!

Rose said...

Lovely shot...and loved those first three comments...who of us hasn't done that?

Luna Miranda said...

a beautiful nature scene. i love the composition.

Anonymous said...

What a precious shot!

Sheri said...

First time visiting your blog and I am speechless. Your captures are amazing. I think I am in love!

Karin M. said...

Fantastic flower .... great shot ... I'm excited
LG: Karin

Eden said...

Wow, I love the photo so much. Very nice macro shot.

easygardener said...

Beautiful picture. A perfect combination!

Anonymous said...

Great capture!

Laura said...

Beautiful ♥ the lighting is wonderful!

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous macro and I can't take my eyes off of that flutterby. Magnificent!

Lesa said...

Wow! First time to see your blog and I'm plumb knocked out! Spectacular photos-- each one!

I'm planning to host a photo link up soon for macros-- hope you'll consider participating.

Thanks for the visit!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is just wonderful Carletta! Just the perfect moment perfectly captured. The color contrast is great to look at.

I don't have the right e-mail address for you so I'll answer your question on my tree people here. They were part of the crowed at the Oregon CountRy Fair (NOT the county fair). It is an environmentally oriented counter-culture event where costumes are normal! I posted about it earlier this summer, but should have included a link on my silly little post.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Wonderful macro photography.


All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.