With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Camera Critters: Luna Moth

See first comment for information on the photos.
For more Camera Critters click here.


Carletta said...

One evening while I was at the computer in my sunroom and the light to the adjoining deck was on I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I looked out and knew right away to grab my camera. A luna moth is most commonly seen at night and I hoped it would land for me to take a photo. I suspected it might be drawn to the light and sure enough it was poised on the wisteria vine under the deck light and moments later it flew down to the deck itself. Although rarely seen due to their very brief (1 week) adult lives, Luna Moths are considered common. The adults do not eat or have mouths. They emerge as adults solely to mate, and as such, only live approximately one week.
I felt lucky to have had the experience of seeing one for the second time in three years.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, what fabulous shots Carletta. I saw a couple last year but never got a chance to photograph them. Thanks for sharing the experience.

Rose said...

I don't know that I have ever seen one...i think maybe once one that was already dead. Here a year or two ago, Roger saw Puss Puss catch one...they are so beautiful!

eileeninmd said...

What a great sighting and photos. It is really beautiful, Carletta!

JunieRose2005 said...

WOW! Great shots and so lucky that you even saw this moth!

It's beautiful!


Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Supposedly there are luna moths in Iowa but I have never seen one and have always wanted to! WONDERFUL photos.

Snap said...

Awesome, jaw dropping shots! Thanks Carletta!

Indrani said...

It looks so beautiful.
I have never seen them here.

Janie said...

What a beautiful moth. I guess the coloring looks different depending on the light? Both photos are great.

Eng said...

I am one jealous photographer here.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

A beautiful moth :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: A worthy critter to posts this week, wonderful capture.

Willard said...

Beautiful shots. I saw one flying about my Bronco yesterday morning while I was photographing deer, but it never landed on a good background.

I finally got some photos up of the new fawns.

Chubskulit Rose said...

What a beautiful moth!


Judy said...

Wow!! I did not know much about them, before reading your comment! I would love to see one in real life! You are so lucky to have seen two of them, when they have such short life spans!

George said...

Thanks for the fascinating information and the fabulous pictures.

eden said...

What a pretty moth! Great shots.

Ali said...

Ohh wow!! What wonderful photos! I love Luna Moths, they are my favorite. I actually raised one from a caterpillar when I was a kid. That was the neatest experience! I don't think I have seen one living since then. We have two Sweetgum tree seedlings growing (and I hope to plant a couple larger ones in the fall or spring) as I know they are attracted to them, so hopefully in the next few years we will see some of these beautiful moths again. Thanks so much for sharing!

JP said...

Great shots, thanks for sharing.

Gill - That British Woman said...

another great shot, I have never seen one of those in real life. You take the most amazing shots.

Gill in Canada

Reanaclaire said...

wow..what beautiful shots! Great...

nice visiting here too.. first timer..


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

OH isn't she lovely! Thanks for your explanation in the comments as well -- I didn't know any of that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wonderful photo, I saw one at the YMCA at 5:30 am last week, no camera, no shot. it lovely and so is the Fritillary, my post today and on several days has been on the Fritillary. we have a host plant and are yard is full of them in all stages from catapillar to beauty.

Unknown said...

Generally moths are not beautiful, but yours is certainly an exception. Thanks for sharing the photo and the info.

Ingrid said...

Looks really strange !

kayerj said...

simply stunning :) and how fortunate for you

Leedra said...

Luna's are so very pretty, and you captured it so well(from both sides even).

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe they don't have a mouth & can't eat... that's so sad... and that they only live a week! Jeez!
It sure is gorgeous, though, looks like lil painted flowers on the wings!

Misty DawnS said...

I've always wanted to see one of these 'in person' and still haven't... yet.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.