This was the scene I saw in my backyard early Wednesday afternoon. I took quite a few shots through my sunroom window which explains why the photo isn’t sharp. I watched a total of seven turkeys pecking around. The gobbler in the photo was really strutting his feathers trying to impress the five hens that were with him. A younger Jake was also tagging along. Maybe he was observing to see what he could learn. I watched them for just over an hour before they wandered into the nearby woods. I love living in the country!
Wow Carletta that is something that is so hard for me to even think about watching. It sorta seems surreal that you would get to experience something like that. It's wonderful. All we get to watch are seagulls LOL :) Excellent photo. Sure was strutting his stuff I tell ya :)
My goodness! You do live in a beautiful place! If you hadn't said about the window, I'd never have known, which of course says clean windows and good photography!
He is one fine looking fellow and he seems to know it.
We don't live in the country exactly but on the edge of town and I have been seeing wild turkeys in our neighborhood. Just hens, so far no toms. Very strange for here.
This was the scene I saw in my backyard early Wednesday afternoon. I took quite a few shots through my sunroom window which explains why the photo isn’t sharp. I watched a total of seven turkeys pecking around. The gobbler in the photo was really strutting his feathers trying to impress the five hens that were with him. A younger Jake was also tagging along. Maybe he was observing to see what he could learn. I watched them for just over an hour before they wandered into the nearby woods. I love living in the country!
What a capture!!! Fantastic!
It is Spring and a young man's fancy turns to courting. Lovely display and wonderful photo capture.
He's showing off...
Great shot :)
good size-- Love the angle on the mellow yellow photo too.sandy
Wow, magistic shot, the tail looks so pretty when they all wide open. Done well.
He is strutting his stuff and ladies do not seem interested :). Great pic!
That is wonderful shot!
Crow bird-Camera Critters
He is very handsome and obviously quite proud of it!
Wow Carletta that is something that is so hard for me to even think about watching. It sorta seems surreal that you would get to experience something like that. It's wonderful. All we get to watch are seagulls LOL :) Excellent photo. Sure was strutting his stuff I tell ya :)
He is magnificent, Carletta. How wonderful that you have such beauty out your window!
My goodness! You do live in a beautiful place!
If you hadn't said about the window, I'd never have known, which of course says clean windows and good photography!
Wow! Carletta! He's a very handsome fellow, isn't he!! But as someone said-the girls don't seem interested -yet!! :)
WELL- while you get deer and turkeys-I get raccoons and possums!! lol
Yes! I love the country too!!
strutting, indeed - man oh man, is he handsome, or what!!! very cool shot, Carletta
Yep - he thinks he's the cat's whiskers. What a show off. :)
Gobble, gobble, I don't wanna be chased by these fellas! Hahaha.
Amazing set of tail feathers too! Great shot.
he's fancy pants! great sighting and photo!
What a beast!! He is trying to catch the attention of his female friend!! These male turkeys are very persistent. Gorgeous photo!
Fun photos of the turkeys at play, great to be living in the country and get to see these things.
Wow what an impressive display! Those hens can't fail to be impressed! (if hens is the right term for lady turkeys!)
Carletta: Love the strut and the neat beard.
You got a great capture of Mr. Tom Turkey. He's letting us know who rules this roost!
He is one fine looking fellow and he seems to know it.
We don't live in the country exactly but on the edge of town and I have been seeing wild turkeys in our neighborhood. Just hens, so far no toms. Very strange for here.
You captured the right moment!
They really make this time of year much more exciting. I am after them with the camera almost every morning, but it is hard to get them posed well.
Great capture! He's certainly trying to impress ;-)
He must figure he's safe from Thanksgiving for now. :) Great capture!
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