With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Brickwork Block

See first comment for image information.
For more Ruby Tuesday join Mary here.


Carletta said...


kayerj said...

I love these posts about the barns and quilt blocks. I'd love to see one in person.

Quilt Works said...

This is reallty neat! I love the big quilt block (no surprsing with my nick name, right?) My Ruby Tuesday also features a red barn, come and visit :-)

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic. I love the design on this one. The colors of the trees and that seem to highlight the barn. Wonderful my friend :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I asked you about these last week (or the week before, I can't remember, now). They're so pretty especially this one w/ the turning leaves in the background & against the barn is really nice - It matches!

Ralph said...

What a gorgeous barn. Not big, but covered in a fine barn red and nicely nestled by the hill. A lovely quilt, a fantastic take (whether in W.Va or Ohio)

George said...

I really like this picture of the quilt barn. The information about the clay blocks is interesting. This was new to me.

maryt/theteach said...

Great quilt pattern on a lovely RED barn, Carletta! Thanks for the info about the quilt square design! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

Patti said...

Interesting info about the quilt barns, and this design in particular.
The background foliage is so pretty. I'm sad most of the leaves are now on the ground.

Happy Ruby Tuesday, Carletta!

EG CameraGirl said...

I really like these quilt blocks on barns. A couple of weeks ago, my hubster and I were in Upstate New York where quite a few barns had similar squares. But the hubster was in a hurry so we did NOT stop for photos. Maybe on our next trip. LOL

Rose said...

I like these photos...they leave me wanting to see more of the surrounding area.

marian said...

i never tire of seeing your barn photos..and look at that stunning quilt block..simply GORGEOUS!!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

oh I will have to go back and look at the others these are so interesting

Diane AZ said...

What a lovely barn, I love the brickwork block. You found a lot of red for Ruby Tuesday!

DrillerAA said...

Excellent captures. Have a great Ruby Tuesday.

Mimi said...

Carletta, this is lovely, and you've given us the lovely story that goes with it, thanks for sharing it.

eden said...

a beautiful quilt barn. nice entry for RT

Joe Todd said...

35 years ago I owned a large barn and it was full of hay. That one fall I would just lay in the hay loft and dream. I just love barns. Thank you so much

Auntie E said...

Nice ruby find...Love the quilting blocks. perfect for this Ruby day.

Dimple said...

Very pretty. I like barns, in almost any shape. This one is beautiful with its decorated door.

Happily Retired Gal said...

I love the way you've captured and shared this wonderful old quilt barn from different perspectives.
Hugs and blessings,

EJ said...

very nice!

My Ruby Tuesday

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Carletta, A beautiful quilt barn and two very beautiful images. I haven't come across a quilt barn yet, a pleasure I look forward to. Thanks for stopping by.

Leora said...

Beautiful abstract geometry in a lovely natural setting. The trees in the bottom photo look like colored feathers.

Marites said...

this looks really nice and eye-catching! Thank you, Carletta for the info about it too:)

Meikah said...

I thought it was wooden, didn't know it was called a BRICKWORK BLOCK. Thanks for sharing a little history there. The shots are very interesting!

My RT entry is here. Happy RT! :)

Cookie said...

interesting...lovely pictures :)

my post is up....HERE

Willa said...

nice red barn,so perfect for the meme!

Felisol said...

How cool is that! A patchwork pattern made to honor brick industry and later painted on this beautiful barn. America sure is the country for enthusiasts of all kinds.
One's gotta love them.
From Felisol

Carolyn Ford said...

How absolutely stunning! That gorgeous red mixed with the fall leaves! And the quilt blocks (is that what they are called?) on the barn are so picturesque! Beautiful shots!

The Cunning Runt said...

Beautiful shots. I'm surrounded by that kind of thing and can't seem to capture it.

Robin said...

Great shot Carletta, I really like the asymmetric composition and the warm red of the barn.

My best friend went to school in Athens, I haven't thought about that place in years.

Kerri Farley said...

Very pretty...I always LOVE seeing these when I am traveling.

Unknown said...

First "quilt-barn" I 've seen.
Best wishes

The Lly Dilettante said...

What lovely red colour! Does the barn look a little slanted?

Becky said...

I really love old barns, and am always on the look-out for them especially the quilt ones which I've never seen.. This is a real cutie, and perfect for RT.
About my header, I like to change it often. Just personal preferance I guess. The beach glass is some I've found in the past month on Lake Erie.
Have a wonderful Tuesday.

nonizamboni said...

Beautiful photo in a delightful part of the country. Barns for me always typify the regional culture and now that I'm used to the look of Midwest barns, it was nice to be reminded of those farther east.
Nicely done!

Martha said...



Marice said...

love that barn! so beautiful :)

u may view mine if u have time

JunieRose2005 said...

I love these barns!!

I don't think I'll have a RT post this time!


B : ) said...

I'm in love! Just gorgeous. One of the things I miss from up North. B : )

Dianne said...

the composition of the top shot is flawless

mark's tails said...

I agree, great photograph!

MaR said...

The first shot is fantastic, as always!

ruby red street decorations


Great shots! Wonderful colours.

Nicole said...

I love the warm colours!

Quint said...

What an interesting barn. And a cute quilt pattern!

Chie Wilks said...

wow..great shots for RT

mine is here

Annie Jeffries said...

Yay! More barn quilts. I LOVE barn quilts.

Jeri ~ said...

I too love these quilt barns - beautiful!

Gretchen said...

Great shots! I love photographing old barns. They have such character. :)

ellen b. said...

Hello Carletta! Love this red barn surrounded with fall colors! Fabulous...
Happy Ruby to you...

Ivon said...

Great photo. You have an interesting barn. thanks for sharing.

Judy said...

I love the contrast between the barn and the colourful leaves!!!

Sandy Kessler said...

fascinatingly beautiful ! sandy

Heidi said...

Oh this is such a wonderful picture. It has so much personality! I love the color of the barn. It is one of my favorites that I have tried to duplicate around my house. But nothing compares to real weathered barn wood.
Oh and I love the pictures of the fawn and the petunia. You are a fantastic photographer!
Thanks for stopping by my RT yesterday. And yes it was a frozen pizza. It was completely covered in freezer burn. Yum, huh?!

Honey Mommy said...

That is cool. I love the quilt barn!

Raven said...

Beautiful shot! I really love the angle of the close-up. The colors are so wonderful. Love the petunia too!

Pietro Brosio said...

So interesting and beautiful images, Carletta!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I love these barns with the quilt blocks on them.

Great shot.

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

Stephany said...

Wonderful photos, Carletta! I see your trees look like ours - mostly bald.

Leedra said...

I like the total picture, but the first one is especially pretty with the light just right.

Unseen India Tours said...

Fantastic shot !! Beautiful !!Unseen Rajasthan

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a cool barn, Mary had asked me if we have quilt barns here and I never see them.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love these beautiful quilt barns, they are so colorful. I don't see them here in SE WA. I really like the perspective in the first shot.

Amanda Moore said...

So lovely Carletta, some day I would love to come explore your part of the world your photos intrigue me.

Jientje said...

Aaaah yes, another beautiful barn. I could have spent three weeks photographing just barns, that's how much I love them! This one is particulary nice with all the Fall colors as a background!

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.