With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Monday, October 19, 2009

God's Been Painting The Trees....

....with ruby splendor.

For more Ruby Tuesday click here.


Anonymous said...

OH my goodness how beautiful are those. Excellent my friend :) We dont' get to see those colors on trees here a lot in Hawai'i. Simply gorgeous :)

Dimple said...

God does have a good eye for color!

Anonymous said...

The God is the greatest painter of all...great captures Carletta.

Anonymous said...

He sure has & what a wonderful job He's doing, too! Beautiful!

Patti said...

Beautiful foliage ~ and yes, it's a wonderful work of art.

quilly said...

This photo caused me to catch my breath, and then sigh.

Exquisite. Nobody paints quite like God.

Rose said...

This makes me homesick...just to look out and see the mountains! Even when I lived among them, I could never drink in the view enough.

marian said...

nature in it's splendour.. a perfect RT pic.

Rona Michelson said...

The last autumn I was in the US, we went to West Point and sat looking at the trees along the Hudson River. What a lovely reminder!

Ralph said...

What is so beautiful is when the multi-colors of Fall are sitting on trees in the hills of the Mountaineer State. The colors climb up toward heaven, the amount of foliage and colors appear as if on a quilt. Beautiful!

Tom said...

Wow Carletta this is a good view.

We have yet to get such beauty, but we are getting there... we lack the reds and orange.


Mimi said...

Sharp intake of breath, followed by WOW!
You have a way of capturing the work of the Divine.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

yes he has and what an artist He is! you got way more color than I did, where is this?

Carletta said...


Chubskulit Rose said...

Stunning scenery! God is really great.

Here is my Ruby Tuesday entry.

Miranda said...

Simply splendid.

EG CameraGirl said...

And doesn't He do an outstanding job?!

Leora said...

Yes, indeed! How painterly.

Carolyn Ford said...

Ahhh...Ruby splendor...God's ruby splendor! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The best painter ever!


judi/Gmj said...

And why I love WV! awsome!

Meikah said...

L LOVE the photo and how you
described it! Happy RT! :)

my RT entry is here.

Unknown said...

wow! yes, it's divine! thanks for sharing this beauty with us.

Pietro Brosio said...

Astonishing colors, Carletta!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shot. I wish I had trees like these where I live. Thanks for the nice comment on my RT.

MaR said...

Gorgeous piece of art! specially appreciated since I live in a pine tree area, and they are always ... only green!!
Happy Ruby Tuesday, mine is here.

Robin said...

So beautiful. I wish we had fall colors. (Is there any way to have them without actually having fall and winter? If so count me in.)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are right, no one paints as well as God.

It's a beautiful sight.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo and colors.

Pearl Maple said...

You are so very lucky to be able to enjoy this colourful view, hope the colours stay for a nice long visit.

Marice said...

love its title and the photo! He really is :)

u may view mine if u have time

Martha said...

Beautiful! It is truly the most beautiful season of the year!

My Ruby Tuesday

nonizamboni said...

God's pallette rules! And so does this photo--great capture.
Sadly we're not having so much color this year; still lots-o-green and some yellow. Beauty all the same. Thanks for sharing yours!

Stephanie V said...

Wonderful! West Virginia must be really beautiful right now.

SquirrelQueen said...

Awesome colors, our trees are finally starting to turn. That is a beautiful view.

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh to be a bird and share the sky with these trees.

Auntie E said...

Just Beautiful..Happy red day,

Ivon said...

Painting He is. I love the fall flowers, but am not too excited for the rain that follows in the Northwest. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

He certainly has been painting trees Carletta that is amazing! I would love to live in a place that had that much seasonal color. We get color here in So Cal when decorations go up not from foliage!

kayerj said...

and he is the best. Beautiful picture.

Mrs.Who said...

This would look beautiful on my wall within a cherry wood frame.

Please stop by for a visit.

maryt/theteach said...

Carletta, so gorgeous! I'm hoping to drive upstate New York tomorrow and see such splendor myself! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

Dewdrop said...

Awesome! Many blessings back to you, Carletta!

Rambling Woods said...

Wow..beautiful fall color...

Vicki ~ FL said...

I guess he has! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful photograph of God's handiwork!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

And there is no better artist!

The Cunning Runt said...

I love this.

Some characteristic of bare branches has always appeared to me as blue, and combines with the deeper reds to give the illusion of purple.

I wait all year for it.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

O forest afire
with golden flames and crimson,
you offer your heart.

My Ruby Tuesday

James said...

WOW! That is such a great picture.

Gattina said...

The picture is very color and beautiful. But fall announces the end of summer and that is so sad for me !

Judy said...

And I thought the fall colours looked good on the flats around here...
On the hillside they are just incredible!!!

George said...

God has been doing a masterful job, hasn't He?

Gel said...

Too beautiful for words!

dot said...

Wow, that's just gorgeous! We are finally getting some color here.

Raven said...

God does lovely work, doesn't he? And you have captured it wonderfully.

Maria Berg said...

Wonderful colors, like it, MB

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.