With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Butterfly Kisses

For more Camera Critters click here.
Enlarge for a more detailed view.


Anonymous said...

I recently took a photo of the same moth on a flower. Those eyes...make it look cute to me for some reason.

Pietro Brosio said...

Photos like these ones need a great precision indeed. Very very nice, Carletta! :-)

Jientje said...

Awww, LOVELY!!!

Gattina said...

What a lovely photo ! I would see that as a print on something like a powder dose or a purse !

Quilly said...


Inday said...

Truly they are! Love your macro photography in these two of the above.

Martha said...

OMG, how beautiful. This first one his "tongue" is curled and the second it is straight "drinking" from the flower. Stunning. Note to self, splurge on that new lens!

I haven't posted my CC yet today, I am so far behind this week!

Arija said...

Fabulous shots with the curled tongue/proboscis and unfurled in the secont. Oh what it is to have a macro lens and know what one is doing!

Darla said...

Stunning captures!

Rose said...

Oh, Carletta, these are wonderful captures!

Frank... said...

A smashing picture Carletta...

Willard said...

Very beautiful, Carletta. Butterflies and flowers are always a winning combination.

??? said...

Great pictures, I love the details and the composition.

b13 said...

Stunning. Love them!

Anya said...

WONDERFUL kiss ......
Amazing shots !!

jabblog said...

Superb shots - very nice.

Mom Knows Everything said...

WOW! Gorgeous!

JD and Max said...

Oh WOW - these are wonderful shots, just wonderful. Capturing the feeding process - simply stunning! We are VERY impressed! :) JD and Max.

kayerj said...

I love how you caught his tounge out and all curly and everything. fantastic pictures.

Dianne said...

really beautiful
so much detail

Vicki ~ FL said...

Carletta....what can I say but WOW those are beautiful photos.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are really beautiful close ups.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Really cool capture, love the tounge curl.

Janie said...

Great detail. It's amazing to see the proboscis unfurl.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

wonderful shots...that first one especially!

Carla said...

Wonderful capture!

Mirage said...

Wow on the curling sucker! Love it!

littlewing said...

Fabulous detail on the Skipper! They are so cute:)

Norm said...

absolutely gorgeous..

Honey Mommy said...

Beautiful pictures! Butterflies are hard to get because they move so quickly!

Loran said...

Those are very sweet kisses, beautiful shots.

Tammie Lee said...

These are so lovely. Such a cute little critter!

sweetbay said...

Look at that tongue! Butterflies have the most amazing tongues, and I think Skippers are the cutest butterflies. Must be those big eyes. :) Beautiful shots!

diane b said...

Fabulous photos. You even caught him feeding.

Anonymous said...

I"m so glad you left the link on my blog for this blog of yours. I didn't even know about it. Love the pictures my friend. Have a great Sunday :) aloha

Cezar and Léia said...

How lovely and perfect!You did a fabulous work with this pictures, congratulations dear friend!
Happy Camera critters

Anonymous said...

Wonderful macros! I love that curly tongue, and big eyes - it's really cute!

i beati said...

what a poser sandy

Carolyn Ford said...

So beautiful. So clear and precise! I love the composition and detail. Love it! What a sweet little critter...

storyteller said...

Perfect title for these wonderful macro photos with amazing detail showing the 'kiss' happen! So crisp and clear ;--)

Thanks so much for visiting yesterday's Camera Critters post about Molly and Aloha. Today I've featured Ms Kitty at Small Reflections. Of course I try to maintain balance.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Wow, so lovely flower ang great critter....just awesome Carletta. Good to be back here.

SquirrelQueen said...

Wonderful captures of the Skipper. They are the cutest little butterfly and so photogenic. He looks so happy on that beautiful flower.
The Road to Here


Ebie said...

Great macros and you captured the essence of the butterfly sucking the sweet nectar!

Judy said...

Absolutely incredible!!!! I have never seen a butterfly's tongue before!!!

Brooke said...

Simply beautiful captures!

Muhammad khabbab said...

Just exquisite!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice close-up shot. Soon the flowers and butterflies will be gone for most of us!

Tess said...

What a pretty close-up shot. It really looks so real.

luvmyboys said...

I love how you captured the probiscus curled and uncurled! Great job!

eileeninmd said...

Great capture!

Leedra said...

Last year I captured one with the curl, I think it is so neat looking.

Manz said...

Kudos on the detail you've captured in these!

Gypsy Lala said...

So lovely, both butterfly and pink flower.

Unknown said...

OOh, nice details!

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.