With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Six Geese A-Sunning....

For more Watery Wednesday click here.


George said...

I like the way you captured the reflections in the water although it almost caused me to lose the goose in the water.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carlwtta: Neat reflections on the geese.
BTW: You had some neat guesses on my site.

Guy D said...

Seems like there are Canada Geese everywhere, great shot.

Regina In Pictures

Kuusela said...

One of them is on the water. Good looking and big birds. ;-)

2sweetnsaxy said...

Nice shot. Sometimes I'm envious of the easy life they have, just swimming and sunning all day.

Rob Ripma said...

Very nice shot!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Lovely rippily water reflections with the geese resting on the bank.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

perfect title for the image. exactly what they seem to be doing. great capture.

Maggie May said...

I love that photo. Each bird is going about it's business without a care in the world.
Lovely reflections and a very peaceful scene.

BTW, I am impressed with the violet picture in the last post. Really lovely.

Raven said...

What a wonderful shot! Love the ripples in the water and the reflections and the whole balance of the photo.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful reflections on the water. Nicely captured.

Martha Z said...

Nice shot. Thanks for stopping by.


Nice capture! And great reflections in the water. We have a lot of Canada geese too!

Bim said...

Pretty photo - they look very casual.

penny said...

They all seem to be really enjoying this wonderful pond. Geese have such beautiful markings.

James said...

Nice picture. I actually thought one of the reflections was another goose.

Vicky said...

I love to see these geese enjoying and grooming themselves under the sun...

quilly said...

Summer at the swimming hole! Ah to be a goose ....

Ebie said...

I wish I could just be one of them...sunning...beautiful title for this shot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carletta - It's nice to see you're back posting & I like this photo of the geese & the flowers below, too!

Regina said...

Hi Carletta. This is great shot and nice post. BTW welcome back!

The Right Blue said...

Very nice! I wonder if they are preening in preparation for migration.

Anonymous said...

Looks like happy geese to me.
Happy W.W.

RH said...

Lovely! They have their own right places to stand and pose for you.

Rose said...

Now you got me singing The Twelve Days of least in my head!

Gunilla said...

Lovely photo of the geese. They seems to be very satisfacted.

Thanks for your visit on my blog

Gunilla in Sweden

Unknown said...

I love the reflections of the geese in the water ...

Wonderful capture !!

Arlene said...

Am humming the song now. :)

They are so cute sunning! :) Thank you for the visit, Carletta!

Amanda Guthrie said...

Very cool, I wish I was a sunning! it is so darn icky out here right now! Happy WW

Amanda Guthrie said...

Sorry Carletta that's Jams addy there I was adding him into something and forgot his URL was in my mousy. this one is linked to Moi!

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice shot of these gregarious geese enjoying a day at the pond.

I'm glad you're back! I'm going to look at your previous posts to find out if you said why you disappeared. I missed you!

Janice Thomson said...

LOVE the title Carletta :)
Beautiful shot of these wonderful birds.

Jim said...

Cool. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

sunnymama said...

Great watery picture! They look so peaceful sunny themselves on the bank and the water looks beautiful.

Arija said...

Five go old rings.... love your shot!

RA said...

The geese seem to have a good time. Who wouldn't at a lovely place like this! Have a great day, Carletta :)

Mariz said...

Seems like their having a grand time there, loved your shot!

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.