With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rock Fountain

For more Watery Wednesday click here.


mick said...

Great photo and that would be nice to have in a garden.

James said...

Your title would be a good one for a heavy metal album. Anyway that is a really nice fountain. Is it in your yard?

Carletta said...

This fountain was at the local nursery. I WISH it was in my yard. :)

Happily Retired Gal said...

What a lovely rock waterfall fountain. I bet it sounds soothing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Dianne said...

very pretty

judi/Gmj said...

Peaceful, and soothing to look at. Is that a sweet potato vine? :)

quilly said...

Peaceful & pretty.

Anonymous said...

Could almost hear its sounds, and would want to sit on the grass nearby and just listen to while meditating.

Prospero said...

There is a Zen-like quality to this photo. It speaks of a deep quietude.

Anonymous said...

I like the million of white flowers that make a cloud of happiness where the water lands! Thirsty little things!

Anonymous said...

I wish I have one in my garden. The sound of flowing water is really soothing.

Christina, Sweden said...

Great fountain shot! Love the mixture with rocks and plants and would very much like one of those in my garden :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Such a pretty little waterfall.

Patti said...

I like this waterfall. Wouldn't mind having something like this in our yard. ;-)

Ebie said...

Very nice angle shot! Love that water flowing in the black rock formation.

at the cottage said...

What a nice photo and the red really does add to it. I like the rock formation and the little water falls.


The Right Blue said...

That was at a nursery? Was it for sale? I wonder if there are kits to make something like that.

i beati said...

simple and lovely

Vicky said...

love the composition of the photo, everything blend in so well.

Quint said...

Well, it's a pity it isn't in your yard, no?
Great photo.

Regina said...

Beautiful shot.

Judy said...

Of course it would be at a nursery!! There to tempt you into adding yet another thing to your already busy day! Well, I will just use my lunch hour to make a fountain for the garden! But it is beautiful, and I bet it sounds just as good!

srp said...

This would really be lovely as part of a pool...swimming pool that is. Right now the heat is coming back here and any kind of pool would be nice.

2sweetnsaxy said...

I love fountains. If I hear the sound of trickling water my ears perk up and I follow the sound until I find it. :-) This is a really nice one.

Tammie Lee said...

looks like a lovely place to sit and take the beauty in.

Lee Spangler said...

It seems cool and beautiful. I wish I were in your neighborhood this time of year. Thanks for you kind thoughts.

Rose said...

I really like this one, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's so pretty and peaceful looking! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I love how the stones fall on each other.


Frank... said...

There is a real feeling of serenity about running water - nice capture Carletta...

Jane said...

I very pretty fountain, I like the lime green leaves.

Ralph said...

This is a lovely fountain. The rustic style is really enhanced by the fine stonework. I like how the stone was laid so perfectly and the lack of mortar holding it together means the rocks were placed one over the other with stunning precision...

Leedra said...

Very pretty water fountain. Like the angle you photographed it.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: A little waterfall can be so beautiful.

RH said...

Nice picture!

Anonymous said...

Now that's very nice - I'd love to have something like this in my backyard! So pretty

Pietro Brosio said...

Carletta, it's a picturesque fountain, with those green leaves, the grass, those little white flowers. Lovely image!

George said...

What a beautiful fountain! It definitely looks relaxing.

Rambling Woods said...

That is beautiful, I would love to have something like that in my garden...

Stephany said...

Great capture! I want a fountain like that too.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.