With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Look What's For Dinner

For more Camera Critters click here.


Carletta said...

I was trying to take these images through my dining room window and there is so much wrong with the first photo; but that mouth full of grass was just too good not to share it with you. Hope you enjoy.

Digital Polaroids said...

It's got such a cute look!

quilly said...

Rabbit stew? ;) (Yes, I know better!)

Nikki Dee said...

Gorgeous! I love bunnies!!

My critter

Leedra said... the first pic.

Prospero said...

Grass is for dinner, of course!

Carletta said...

Yes Quilly knows better.
And so there isn't any confusion the title refers to what the bunny is having for dinner. :)

Brooke said...

How cute! And, uh, Quilly? NO, we don't eat the rabbits! lol

b13 said...

Love these. What beautiful eyes!

irene said...

Nice bunny:)

Anonymous said...

Love the first photo! Bunny is munching away while you click away.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What neat photos of the bunny. Who is eating dinner, you or him?

Juliana RW said...

Wonderful shot

My entry this week, in HERE. I hope you have time to stop by as well. Thanks.

Adrienne Zwart said...

So cute! I keep thinking that little nose is going to twitch in the last one. Great captures!

Marie Reed said...

My husband does a great rabbit stew with carrots and prunes.... Run away little bunny! I posted a rascally rabbit today too:)

jabblog said...

Love rabbits - can't bring myself to eat them . . . yet . . .
I know they're a pest but they are just so adorable.

Cezar and Léia said...

hello dear friend! Well done! Fabulous bunny! I loved these pictures!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)

Ladynred said...

Grass would be better instead of attacking the plants. Great capture of the bunny!

Snap said...

He looks quite amazed that you interrupted his salad! Wonderful shots.

Anonymous said...

NO!!!!!! Don't eat the bunny. Aw look at it. So lovely.

Unknown said...

Awwww ...what a cutie !!!

I really like that first one with his mouth full of his dinner :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL.. I think your lawn is for dinner. Cute capture.

Bruce said...

Run bunny run! You're too cute to eat!

Robin said...

I'm glad it was the grass that was the dinner - not the bunny! What a cutie.

Loran said...

Every picture on your page is beautiful! We have rabbits too but they look a little different. So cute with the grass.

Judy said...

I agree with that - his expression is just priceless. Of course, if my dogs could use the computer, they would agree with the rabbit stew comments...

Frank... said...

The rabbit with the grass in its mouth is priceless - nice shot...

Reader Wil said...

How great that you could come that close to the rabbit! Thanks for sharing.

Rambling Woods said... the bunny...

Rose said...

Great captures, Carletta. He/she is a cutie!

storyteller said...

Adorable post! Love the title and that first shot especially ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anya said...

We love bunny's
Lovely shots !!

Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)

Staci said...

Love that bunny - and your pics!

Thanks for visiting my blog on Chloe's birthday!

George said...

I hope your referring to the rabbit's dinner and not yours! Thanks for including that first picture -- it's great.

Kerri Farley said...

Quite a mouthfull! Great captures!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Bunnies who eat grass and clover are so cute. Those that eat my garden are...but we won't go there, OK?

You sure see a lot of interesting critters through your windows!

Raven said...

Wonderful shots. Love your geranium too down below.

Sharon said...

Don't worry mr. rabbit...I won't eat you! Great shots:)

SquirrelQueen said...

What an adorable face, he is so cute. Great photos.

Indrani said...

I enjoyed seeing the shots. CUTE!

Nukke said...

I see that kind of creature in every evening as I'm walking in field roads but I haven't been quick enough to take a pic yet :)

Patti said...

I love the first photo. What a great capture of this guy having a snack!
And there is nothing wrong with it at all. You took it through a window. Don't be so hard on yourself.

I'm going to show this post to Ralph. We love bunnies around here.

Willard said...

A good set of rabbit photos. We seem to have more of them here this year than I have seen since my youth.

Terry said...

dear carletta...thanks for your kind words over at my blog.
i was determined to come and visit you when i had a few moments, after reading our beloved teach's ruby red post and seeing the pictures that she posted for you and the others.
i skimmed through the first few posts and really enjoyed your pretty flowers but when i was this sweet little bunny, it won my heart!
two beautiful shots you have taken carletta...with your gentle camera and not with a cruel gun!!
i will have to see if you have any pictures of deer...
the music is so sweet that it is making me cry!
i will come back terry[teresa]

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! So cute! They turned out great taken through a window.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.