With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Burt's Pond

For more Watery Wednesday click here.


Bryan said...

Goose procession at its finest.

Ebie said...

Haha! Follow the leader. Love the water ripples!


That is a great procession - and lovely reflections on the water!

Guy D said...

Beautiful, I love the reflections.

Regina In Pictures

Leedra said...

Lovely reflections.

judi/Gmj said...

fun! quadruplets!

Anonymous said...

They were in our pond yesterday :) I like those Canadian geese!

Prospero said...

Burt has a great pond! Just ask the four water denizens.

Jew Wishes said...

Burt's pond is absolutely beautiful. Nature's beauty at its finest.

Look at those geese! I love the shimmery green reflections.

mick said...

Lovely photo and a very peaceful environment.

Arija said...

You certainly got twice as many as were there, nice capture.

MaR said...

Burt has a lovely pond and beautiful inhabitants! love the reflection on the water.

Anonymous said...


Maggie May said...

We were like minded with our ducks this week!
Great photo.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oooh! Nice! The reflections are just awesome!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Really nice with the four reflection in a row.

Anonymous said...

That's a great line of birds...great shot.

Kerri Farley said...

All in a row! Great capture!

Regina said...

Wow, so amazing.

penny said...

Looks like a peaceful paddle up the river... nice reflection on the water, too.

annies home said...

I have seen a sign that said duck crossing before I guess it is meant for just this scenario

Arlene said...

Am sure they take turns being a leader. hehehe...I love their reflection on the water.

Happy WW, Carleta!

srp said...

This is lovely and a funny sight around here too. I don't have mine up yet.... late again.

Marie Reed said...

One of my dearest friend's last name is Burt! I'm going to send him this link:)

Tulip said...

the lovers are enjoying their swim. what a beautiful sight.

Unknown said...

They got their ducks in a row.
Cool catch!

amanda said...

Carletta, where is this? I swear I have heard of Burt's pond. This is a very cool pic!

Linnea said...

Now where are they off to? Great shot...I love watching water fowl in action.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great shot! I absolutely the the shade of green in this and the reflections of the geese as well as the ripples in the water are wonderful.

EG CameraGirl said...

Isn't it funny how they like to swim in a line? Nice photo!

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty! Lovely shot!

floreta said...

ducks in a row :) very pretty and love the reflection and ripples

sunnymama said...

How cute! I love the colours and reflections :)

Tammie Lee said...

So serene and lovely reflections.

George said...

It looks as if you have all your ducks (geese) in a row.

Anonymous said...

Carletta, I'm having blogger issues and your other link won't load! But seeing as I'm here, glad I stopped by! Great pond pic!

Pietro Brosio said...

Lovely picture, Carletta!
They are funny, so well lined up! :-)

Marju said...

Fantastic photos!!!

Rose said...

This is wonderful when enlarged! And I love the sundog above!

Bim said...

A great composition - the geese look somewhat formal :)

Terry said...

"burt's pond" is being visited by royality carletta!

Anonymous said...

Burt's pond and ducks are awesome! So are the reflections.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.