With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

After The Evening Rain

For more Watery Wednesday posts click here.


judi/Gmj said...

Wonderful, I had to enlarge this,. I thought the rock on the right and one on the left were frogs. Okay, I have a large imagination. I do see a star in the water though!

quilly said...

Oh dear. Your house seems to have washed into the pond. ;)

It took a sharp eye to notice that. Good pic!

Anonymous said...

Love that star reflection. Very watery indeed.

Guy D said...

I like the reflection, great shot.

Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

The water is so still, it's like looking at a mirror. Great post.

Anonymous said...

What does these star mean? Is there because of the pond, or earlier? Lovely pond! Look at the rock and the plants - I really like it!

Becky said...

What an amazing shot Carletta. I love it!

Unknown said...

a clear pond! we're also getting a lot of rain here.:(

Unknown said...

Any fish in there?

Danielle said...

Wow! Great vibrant colors. It's neat how you can see the reflection in the water. Don't you feel so refreshed after a good rain?

April said...

Beautiful photo! I was wondering about that star too.

Lee Spangler said...

Da-n you are good. Your photos humble me. Have close friends in WVa but in the Eastern Panhandle. Thanks for visiting me and also letting me know where you are at. I have been nearby (Charleston) Nice river there which I think begins with an O. I guess I could look it up. Anyway you live in a remarkable area.

Vicky said...

The water is so clear,love this photo.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful reflection in your wee pool.

Dagrun said...

Beautiful pool of water. Is there a star hanging over it?

Maggie May said...

That is amazing. All in a puddle. Great shot.

The Right Blue said...

Nice to have your very own reflecting pool!

Marie Reed said...

What a nifty reflection!

RH said...

It's like wooden pond! I had to look twice to find out, what it is :)

Leora said...

It took me a while before I realized I was looking at water. That star seems incongruous, gives the whole photo a wha? kind of feeling. Nice and creative.

penny said...

The star reflecting in the water is so unique. Simply beautiful.

Kathy W said...

Carletta I love your shot. =) Hope you didn't get to much rain.

Regina said...

Wow. I like this shot. Great post.

Barbara said...

Great reflective capture. Happy Wednesday.
Smiles Barbara

Prospero said...

Starry day. An delightful oxymoron which gives this photo its disarming quality.

JunieRose2005 said...

Great shot, Carletta!



Wondeful shot and great colors! Love the star reflecting in the water!

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I had a lil pond like this at my other place before I moved - I'd really like to have another one at my new place, too! This is nice - Any fishies in there?

2sweetnsaxy said...

Is that a reflection of the wood in the water? How cool! Thank you for your compliment. I look for unusual things like you did in this shot. Sometimes it doesn't work but when it does it's wonderful! :-)

Will said...

Cool Picture! Love the reflections in the water. You have a great and very unusual capture here.

EG CameraGirl said...

Everything looks so fresh after rain, doesn't it?

Amanda Guthrie said...

Neat little reflections on this as well, I like this a lot.

srp said...

We are doing construction and it rained last night and we have a standing pool of water at the base of what will be our outside steps. Somebody send a pump!

Arija said...

Your posd loooks so solid even I could learn to walk on water there. Everything is so freah after the rain.

Rambling Woods said...

I enjoy all your photos, but there is something about this one that I really peaceful I think...
Michelle From Rambling Woods

Janice Thomson said...

Cool reflection and great find. This is a neat photo.

sunnymama said...

How beautiful! I love this picture :)

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.