With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

From My Archives: Spring Apple Blossoms

For more Today's Flowers click here.


Anonymous said...

Awesome my friend. It's so delicate and pretty :) Have a wonderful Sunday :)

kayerj said...

So pretty Carletta, a gentle reminder of spring.

The Lly Dilettante said...

They look so soft...pinks merging with white :)

Jientje said...

Can't wait ...
Very pretty Carletta!

AL said...

Oh my goodness! I have been seeing lots of new flower species today...and this one lovely. I love the pastel shade of pink.

Chubskulit Rose said...

that's beautiful!

Mine is frozen flowers

i beati said...

ever ever lovely and the unusual winter rainbow below a treat sandy

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and beautiful picture.
Gives me hope to see the next spring!!
Your music is lovely too!!

Inday said...

Wow! I love that. It almost looks like an orchid flowers!

Rose said...

What lovely memories this brings to mind for me!

Carolyn Ford said...

Flowering trees are so gorgeous! This apple is exquisite! Is it in your own yard? Beautiful!

Quilt Works said...

These are trully lovely. So deliate

... I shared my views of "Fresh Snow"

Carver said...

The apple blossoms are so lovely. Great reminder of spring.


It is so great to have an archive! I will have to find flower shots from my archive also, during winter. A beautiful apple blossom you have here!

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for bringing a little springtime into my rain day. Gorgeous photo Carletta.

Maria Berg said...

Appel blossom and a rose in the snow and so the rainbow can it be better, MB

Naturegirl said...

Apple blossom favorite season. Beautifully captured Carletta!

Frank... said...

Simply beautiful, I do love spring...

Reader Wil said...

Very tender blossom! I wish we were in May already!

Della said...

Luckily enough it is not that long until spring.

Nance said...

Awwww, Carletta, you made me longed for spring! lol
apple blossoms are so lovely, aren't they?

SquirrelQueen said...

A beautiful blossom, what a pleasant memory of spring. Everything here is covered with snow.
Through Squirrel Eyes

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such a lovely picture to look at on this cold morning (here anyway). We often miss spring blooms because we're still traveling in Southern climates, so I really do love looking at pictures like this. Gorgeous pink tinges.

eden said...

Lovely. I love it.

My entry

Chie Wilks said...

ohh such a lovely shot..thanks for visiting mine...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Thinking of Spring also I see, What a neat capture of the bloom.

My Memories and Crystals said...

this is so lovely, great shot

Arija said...

Isn't it lovely to have a photo archive where we can enjoy any season whenever we like.
Appleblossom time always has some associated magic with it. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

So so so pretty, Carletta! Excellent photo!

lazyclick said...

Pretty pink. Very lovely flower.

ramblingwoods said...

Sigh..spring..and I love the way you edged the photo which adds to the softness I think...Michelle

Unknown said...

Beautiful reminder of a season yet to come again!

ellen said...

Nice catch! Mine is up. Hope to see you.

MedaM said...

Lovely blossoms and really beautiful photo!

Judy said...

I seem to remember something about apple blossoms... It was a long time ago...
I really love the pink ones like this!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice reminder of spring past!

Stephany said...

I love apple blossoms and these are gorgeous, Carletta! I also like the way you framed the photo.

Quint said...

This is a lovely blossom Carletta!
Seeing such beauty almost makes us want to ask Nature to prevent it to change into a tasty, red and juicy apple and then into a yummy apple pie :))

jabblog said...

Apple blossom is so pretty - a delicate blossom with a faint delicate scent. Thank you for sharing this breath of Spring!

Becky said...

Oh Carletta, this is so beautiful. I can almost smell them.
Think Spring!

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful and amazing shot !! Thanks for sharing.

Raven said...

Lovely. I miss Spring. Winter has it's moments, but I like warmer temperatures and flowers best.

George said...

This is a beautiful capture of the Apple Blossoms. I really like the delicate colors.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.