With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thanks Mom for letting us lead....

For more Camera Critters click here.


DeniseinVA said...

Another delightful photo :) The reflections are so pretty and you've composed them perfectly. When we were out the other day we saw yet another goose family that had stopped traffic. Fortunately whenever I have seen this, people are very patient as they wait while they cross the road.

b13 said...

Such a great family photo :) I love what you've been presenting on the new blog :)

quilly said...


RA said...

LOL. That's so adorable! Have a wonderful weekend, Carletta :)

Tom said...

Ha! delightful

Kerri Farley said...

Perfect!! LOVE your title!!

Snap said...

I love seeing parents with their babies. Wonderful! Thank you!

Indrani said...

A complete family shot with their reflections too. Lovely!

Judy said...

Love the caption, and the reflections!!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

A nice capture :)

2sweetnsaxy said...

I love seeing those baby geese. I haven't seen any babies this year yet. Great shot. I also like the colors of the reflections in the water.

i beati said...

you know you could sit and ponder here all day with the geese family - splendid

Anonymous said...

Very lovely !

Anya said...

Sooooooooo Lovely,
Fantastic shot :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet photo of the family. Your sunset photo below is gorgeous!

Villas Girl said...

What a wonderful picture. How can you help but not smile at this lovely family.

Vicki ~ FL said...

Carletta, great family photo...and thanks for visiting my blog.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Adorable ;--)
Love the reflections and the composition of this beautiful scene.
Hugs and blessings,

Janice Thomson said...

They are just so adorable - love your caption. Beautifully captured.

Staci said...

Beautiful shots! So peaceful. It's my first visit here I think- so I must tell you I love the shot of the deer a few weeks ago also!

JD and Max said...

Aw - sweet piccie! Beautiful capture of a special family moment!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a neat look at the Canada Geese and the goslings.

I didn't have any problem with this link.

Linda said...

You captured a great shot this week.

Anonymous said...

A lovely moment captured perfectly! And of course, the parents aren't really far behind :)

Brooke said...

That's just such a nice peaceful scene. Lovely.

Sharon said... cute:)

Bruce said...

Love the pretty ducks:)

Luna said...

What a wonderful picture! This place is so peaceful and these ducks look very happy to be there!

Coy Hill said...

Beautiful capture!

C geese are so beautiful and here you have an entire family is a great natural setting with great lighting, excellent!

Anonymous said...

Such a peaceful shot. I love the reflections.

George said...

What a wonderful picture. It's easy to see that Mom and Dad are keeping a close watch on those 'leaders'!

judi/Gmj said...

She is a good mama, and you are an wonderful photographer.
Thanks for the heads up on my CC.

Chrissy said...

This is so sweet. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a wonderful weekend.

Carrie said...

Great shot of the Canadian Goose, very pretty birds.

Rambling Woods said...

Those goslings are getting big....Beautiful photos that I have missed, but am catching
Michelle From Rambling Woods

Gattina said...

Beautiful picture with the reflection in the water and a very cute family !

Manz said...

What a terrific family!

I love the photo. Wouldn't mind seeing it cropped off at the bottom so it's a long horizontal - perfect for a coffee mug :)

Lynne said...

Hi Careletta,
Love the reflections and the cozy family. Rather reminds me of the recent addition to your family! Lovely capture.

(I used to be "gel" and have a different blog now.)

Rajesh said...

Beautiful snap with apt title.

Ria said...

Well taken ! Great shot :-)
mine's up here

Kate said...

It's a wonderful family portrait; the reflections are superb.

Larry D said...

Wonderful photo, great capture!

Willard said...


Unknown said...

Lovely shot and title!

Rhea said...

OH, I just love it! What an awesome family photo. Just perfect.

Unknown said...

I always love fuzzy goslings!

Small City Scenes said...

Hey, you got geese babies too. Mine are just about ready to be moving on. It has been fun watching them grow up. MB

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.