With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Little Red Pinwheel

For more Ruby Tuesday click here:


kayerj said...

a happy little pinwheel

James said...

Beautiful photo, it almost makes me want to fork out the cash to by a better lens.

Jim said...

Very pretty, Carletta. Your flower pictures are all the best. Ditto James except I need a better camera too.

Anonymous said...

I like those - they survive pretty well my poor watering skills :) My little one brought home one for Mother's day!

Leora said...

Ah, what a pretty one! I'm thinking back to winter when I had a hard time finding a flower photo to it's flowers, flowers, flowers all a bloom!

Ralph said...

A nice red arrangement, full of imaginary possibilities - I see a ruby parasol, perhaps a red prop on a boat motor or a colorful asterisk. This shape allows us the freedom to imagine...

EG CameraGirl said...

Very pretty! Red posies make planters and gardens look so festive.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so this the pinwheel, thought a periwinkle, they look the same.

judi/Gmj said...

Beautiful, I really like how your pictures pop on this blog!

Vicky said...

lovely little red pinwheel!

Becky said...

Perfect little pinwheel Carletta. Love the brillant red.

Meikah said...

Beautiful flower. Perfect for the theme, actually. :)

My first Ruby Tuesday entry is here:

Snowbird said...

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Maria's Space said...

Cute flower. Very nice red.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a beautiful image. You have an artists eye. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have known the name of this flower but it is a lovely macro shot.

Annie Jeffries said...

This is such a pretty little thing. I like that hole at the very center. How fun it would be to string them together to make a lei.

Robin said...

Ooh, it really does look like a pinwheel! Beautiful bloom.

Marie Reed said...

I am always impressed when I pop over here!

Candy said...

I love your photos, the rabbit with grass hanging out of his mouth is great.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Come back soon.


SouthLakesMom said...

Beautiful white streaks
Cascade around the middle
What does that eye see?

Judy said...

I love the tiny whote streaks - makes the red look even more red!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Little red pinwheel
whirling ’round devilishly—
you make me happy!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Lovely red pinwheel with delicate highlights and bright yellow center!
Hugs and blessings,

Sherrie said...

Beautiful Pinwheel! Love all the vibrant color with the little bits of white! Have a great day!!


Unknown said...

love the vibrant red...simply beautiful!

MaR said...

What a lovely red pinwheel! and precious shot.

amanda (the new site) said...

Carletta is this a Geranium? It is gorgeous! Happy RT!

Unknown said...

Carletta- What a vibrant Red shot! Love it...Love all your flower shots on your have quite a talent!

srp said...

Impatiens are wonderful... I planted some when we lived in Mississippi and they grew so tall and lush near my front patio that they covered the boxwoods... about three feet high. It made the front flower bed look like a sea of blooms. Thanks for stopping by.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Beautiful capture and the one below this one is absolutely stunning! Wow!

George said...

This photo just shows that very pretty things can come in small packages.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower. The red jumps right off the screen.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.