With amateur photography skills and maybe a little of pure serendipity I just Take Aim and Shoot. Hope you enjoy the results.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Bold Star

For more Sky Watch participants click here.


Carletta said...

Another of the barns I've been featuring this week that make up a Quilt Barn Trail in West Virginia. A wooden quilt square is attached to the barn making it 'a quilt barn.'

SaraG said...

beautiful photo!!

Guy D said...

Brilliant photo!!

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures

Tom said...

It looks even better with the blue sky behind.

My Sky Watch post are: Views and Rainbows

Sylvia K said...

Terrific shot! Perfect against the sky and love the green grass! Happy SSS!

bowledover said...

The barn is so balanced with the blue sky backdrop and the wonderful green forground.

EG CameraGirl said...

This tour has been fun, Carletta! Keep the barns coming. ;-)

Carver said...

What a wonderful shot. Love the red barn.

Vita Stunder said...

Great shot!
Love the red barn :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Nice pictures. I like your Apple Blossoms and turkey shots-

Anonymous said...

What a lovely shot! Since you now have 2 skywatch posts with barns with quilt patterns near the roofline, I wonder if that is/was a common custom?

I am a former quilter, and find myself missing it more and more lately.

SandyCarlson said...

A wonderful star, to be sure!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

Nice shot...I love these quilt barns, and your red one really stands out in that field...we have these in Ohio also...

Eric(NL) said...

Nice contrast in this picture!!

Have a great SWF

Greetings from NL

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wow! That is fantastic. You have given me an idea for a photo of a barn near where we take our summer family vacation.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Why are so many American barns red? Always such a striking colour on the landscape makes me wonder why ours here are so drab.

Photo Cache said...

f/u on babooshka's question about the barn color, i have only seen red so far. is there a reason for that?

lovely image.

Anonymous said...

Ha! lovely title and so serene looking out there. Lovely sky too.

Luiz Ramos said...

That is not a picture. It is a great painting.
Luiz Ramos

Rose said...

My thoughts were along the lines of really is a fabulous shot. I sure love it.

Bim said...

I really like the clear lines and colours of this photo.

Ebie said...

Love those puffy clouds. I wonder too, why all barns I saw are painted red. I got one barn photo that is red, too.

Jeri ~ said...

Wonderful photo and the Quilt Barn Trail sounds like something I would love to see.

Maria said...

Great Photo... worth framing!
*A wonderful weekend to you* Maria

George said...

What a great perspective. It's a perfect skywatch photo.

The Cunning Runt said...

This is really nice, and enticed me to peruse your older posts. You do brilliant work, woman. I aspire to such competence on my own blog, but alas, I'm winging it (learning issues, you know) and have a ways to go.

Leedra said...

this photo makes me wonder what is right over the hill?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a neat shot of the quilt barn, I just learned about this the last few weeks from Mary from Indiana.

Pietro Brosio said...

A really wonderful perspective, Carletta!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous quilt !!

I love this shot, so simple but what a wonderful composition !!

Well done :-)

judi/Gmj said...

this is kewl!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your lovely comment re Xavier... he is loving it :-)

Vicky said...

another fantastic quilt barn.
have a pleasant day, carletta

quilly said...

All of these barn quilts are lovely. Is there a story behind why the Barn Quilt Trail was made? Did you tell it and I somehow missed it?

Robin said...

I'm loving these quilt barns - a tiny piece of whimsy in a very utilitarian and work-oriented structure.

Summer Stock Sunday is up and running - come join the fun!

Kerri Farley said...

Excellent!!! Fab shot here Carletta!

storyteller's other blog said...

Wonderful sky perspective on this nifty red barn in the grassy field. Love the fluffy white clouds on the beautiful blue ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Jim said...

Carletta, I love your quilt decorated barn pictures! Makes
one want to run right over and see.
Thanks for your visit, yes this will be grandchild number five or so for us.
But it will be Karen's first. Karen is our little baby girl. :-)

Happy Sky Watching. I just posted my roast for my Midwestern Friends!

Regina said...

Beautiful and perfect.

LorMil said...

This is the ultimate in Americana, and a beautiful photograph. I like the contrasts of tones, and the peaceful mood.

Unknown said...

That is spectacular. I love barn shots and I wish I had taken that one!

carmilevy said...

What a wonderfully unique composition. I feel as if it's peeking above the hilltop, inviting us to climb just a bit more to see the rest.

Brilliantly composed, and so evocative as a result.

Mary said...

I just found a comment you left about my quilt barn photos and finally found my way here! Wonderful! I hope to go out looking for some more this summer. They are such fun to look for and photograph. I've been collecting information on them for some time. We have almost none in Indiana for some reason, but Ohio and Kentucky, Iowa and Tennessee have lots.

All photos © Carletta J. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any images from this site without permission is prohibited.